DOSJUN is alive and well. Here's a quick look at the current progress.
You can walk around |
You can load and save (in safe spots) |
There are scripted events |
You can fight random encounters |
Technically, there's a lot going on in the background to deal with this short list.
A first person view that uses slices of textures |
A scripting language (and compiler) |
A dungeon editor (items and monsters too!) |
It is my eventual goal to not only release this game when finished, but also annotate the code well enough that people can actually learn from it.
Progress has been slow for a variety of reasons: I play a lot of games (mostly long ones), I don't always want to program after doing it for hours at my day job, I watch people stream gameplay quite a bit. These things have been true for years, but I want to commit to this project a little harder than before.
I will release the game this year. At the very least, I can release a version then add more content later if the story remains unfinished. There will be at least 5 hours of work every week on it. Making the engine easy to extend has been important to me since the beginning; an example post-release task would be removing the hard-coded character creation and using scripting instead.
I'm also thinking about streaming the programming work. This might seem odd, but I recently caught someone using Rust to write a roguelike and enjoyed the experience, so there must be like minds out there. It should be a novelty for many current devs to see C and DOS!