Tuesday 2 July 2019

Quick pre-holiday update

Today, WaniKani taught me that the kanji for bento is 弁当, which is literally "dialect correct". What a bizarre and beautiful language.

Yesterday, the GTASC began. I've never taken part before but a friend asked me to join his team, so here goes! It's going to be interesting earning gamerscore while in America. Mind you, my whole team is on holiday for parts of July, so hopefully we don't get knocked out too quickly.

I published my Forth on GitHub. It's not done yet - it won't even run on a TS2068, the target machine! It does fine in a Spectrum emulator/assembler I found, but I still haven't figured out how to get it on a tape/cart to run on other emulators. I wonder if I can write the code with conditional compilation so it'll run on both machines.

I wonder if I'll have to write a TS2068 emulator just to debug it.