So it's been a long time! I've been both very busy and pretty lazy. Here's a run down of my current situation.
DOSJUN is still alive, but in a different form: while I plan to release the full scenario eventually, for now I'm going to concentrate on releasing a smaller and more focused game which will run in the same engine. Hopefully this will help highlight any problems before they become huge issues. Some work has already been done on the content and mechanics for this smaller dungeon.
I'm working on a fairly small platformer that will run in the browser. It's certainly a big change from DOS's limitations! I expect that project might release early next year. It would be nice to finish something :)
I'm very recent news, I've been writing a FORTH implementation designed to run on the Z80 chip. This is just for my own curiosity, though I have access to a real Timex Sinclair 2068 and it would be neat to see it in action. I'm almost at the point where users can type in real programs (like the built in BASIC interpreter mode) but not quite. Once it does that, I'll put it on GitHub and everyone (nobody) can shout at me for writing terrible assembly.
I also just realised it could run on the Gameboy with some modifications, like not having keyboard input. Huh.
I've been spending a fair bit of time on the Xbox this year because I set myself a score challenge. I'm also going to America again in a few weeks so I want to get even more ahead so there's no crunch time later in the year.
I've been semi-regularly streaming all kinds of things on my Twitch channel.
I finally finished my League of Legends placements for this season and got put in Bronze 2. I haven't played any Ranked since.
That's about it. Sorry for being quiet for so long!
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