Friday, 6 September 2019

More fun with Japanese

Hi! I'm on holiday right now, on the way to the very North parts of Scotland, so this will be brief. I just wanted to mention this book I bought:

This is more than a little hopeful on my part; while I'm level 18 on WaniKani and therefore know a few hundred kanji and a couple thousand words, I couldn't even completely read the cover!

The main problem is my very loose grasp on Japanese grammar. I know bits and pieces from my university time and what I've looked up online, but after a couple of months it gets muddier and I need a refresher.

The Japanese on the cover is 日本語の短篇小説. Here's how my mind processes that currently:

  • 日本語 is "Japanese language" - nihongo
  • の is the association particle, something like "'s" or a reverse-positioned "of" - no
  • 短 means "short" - tan
  • 篇 ???? I had to look this one up, it means "volume" or "collection" - hen
  • 小説 means "novel" in the sense of "short story" - shousetsu
So, I read it as "collection of Japanese short stories". The first in the book is by the famous Murakami and is indeed very short; only a page and a half! However, the Japanese text remains annoyingly out of reach. I can read many of the kanji words, but the grammar and hiragana-only words are confusing. It may be another year or two before I can read prose, with some dedicated study.

My team is still in the GTASC! We were never really in any danger, but it's getting harder. Especially because I didn't bring my Xbox to Scotland - no room, plus these things don't travel very well. Still, if I can continue to beat large parts of the Bard's Tale Trilogy, I should be fine.

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